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Dust Ignition Proof EX Vacuums
Spillrite Vacuums CA manufacture a wide range of Explosion proof and Dust ignition proof vacuum systems. Our pneumatic air powered vacuums are in operation in many industries right across Canada being used to vacuum up hazardous waste including flammable fluids, combustible dusts and explosive dry waste. The Canada Defence Department purchases our explosion proof vacuum systems as do many large industrial companies like Goodman Fielder for the collection of flour and grain that can be combustible in certain circumstances.

The SPAV EX vacuum is a 15 gallon – 60 litre pneumatic explosion proof unit with an anti static filter cartridge and complete anti static fittings throughout. This is the main power source for the SPAV Cyclone trolley unit which is ideal for the collection of grains, flours and combustible dusts. The cyclone is constructed with anti static resin and has additional anti static components fitted to it.

- Anti-static filter cartridge
- Static build up release chain
- Anti-static suction hose
- Anti-static connection fittings
- Anti statis upgrade of the plastic cyclone
- Anti-static grounding strap to cyclone
- Smooth bore inner cyclone wall to prevent tribo-electric charging
- Metal construction of main unit
- Complete earth and grounding of whole system
- Explosion Proof – dust ignition proof